In this project, we are going to predict the price of bulldozers with the help of Scikit-Learn's RandomForestRegressor() machine learning model.
How efficiently can we predict the sales price of the bulldozers, given its characteristics and previous examples
The data is downloaded from the Kaggle bluebook for bulldozers: The data for this competition is split into three parts:
The datasets are:
Train.csv is the training set, which contains data through the end of 2011.
Valid.csv is the validation set, which contains data from January 1, 2012 - April 30, 2012 You make predictions on this set throughout the majority of the competition. Your score on this set is used to create the public leaderboard.
Test.csv is the test set, which won't be released until the last week of the competition. It contains data from May 1, 2012 - November 2012. Your score on the test set determines your final rank for the competition. The key fields are in train.csv are:
SalesID: the uniue identifier of the sale
MachineID: the unique identifier of a machine. A machine can be sold multiple times
saleprice: what the machine sold for at auction (only provided in train.csv)
saledate: the date of the sale
The evaluation metric for the model is RMSLE (root mean squared log error) between the actual and predicted auction prices.
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