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How to implement CanActivate
and Resolve
with lambda expressions.
The class FooGuard
implements a CanActivate
guard in classical object-oriented programming style.
Angular's routing framework defines an interface that FooGuard
The implementation class is annotated with @Injectable()
— in TypeScript jargon, the class
is actually decorated but it works pretty much the same way as annotations do in other oop languages.
To make things work, the class is hooked into Angular's dependendency injection and routing framework by its
class token. In JavaScript land, FooGuard
is a reference to the constructor function and thus we
write canActivate: [ FooGuard ]
and providers: [ FooGuard ]
export class FooGuard implements CanActivate {
next: ActivatedRouteSnapshot,
state: RouterStateSnapshot): Observable<boolean> | Promise<boolean> | boolean {
return Observable.of(true);
Now, let's implement the same with a functional approach:
export const BAR_GUARD_TOKEN = new InjectionToken<CanActivate>('bar.guard');
export function barGuard() {
return (next: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot):
Observable<boolean> | Promise<boolean> | boolean => {
return Observable.of(true);
serves as a factory function and returns a lambda expression, a so-called arrow function in TypeScript terms.
The call signature of the lambda is equivalent to that defined by the canActivate()
function in the CanActivate
The guard implementation must yet be hooked into Angular's dependency injection.
For that purpose, a factory provider will be registered with { provide: BAR_GUARD_TOKEN, useFactory: barGuard }
In the route definition, the guard is referenced by that token, i.e. canActivate: [ BAR_GUARD_TOKEN ]
When activating the '/bar' route, Angular resolves the token, executes the factory function,
and calls the lambda expression returned by the factory.
The return value of the lambda expression tells the router to either allow (returning true
or deny (returning false
) navigation.
If allowed, a component shows up on the screen telling you that "bar works!".
Using the guard in a route definition looks a little bit different for the object-oriented and the functional approach. The following code snippet gives us a good understanding showing how things are wired up:
const routes: Routes = [
/* .. */
path: 'foo',
component: FooComponent,
canActivate: [ FooGuard ]
path: 'bar',
component: BarComponent,
canActivate: [ BAR_GUARD_TOKEN ]
/* .. */
/* .. */
providers: [
FooGuard, // <-- a class provider for the oop aproach
{ // --> a factory provider for the functional way
useFactory: barGuard
export class AppRoutingModule { }
In the same way that CanActivate
guards are implemented in functional programming style,
it's also possible to implement Resolve
Again, write a factory that returns a lambda expression whose call signature is equivalent to resolve()
defined by the Resolve
It needs to registered with dependency injection and referenced in route definition by its corresponding token FOOBAR_RESOLVER_ALPHA
export const FOOBAR_RESOLVER_ALPHA = new InjectionToken<Resolve<any>>('foobar-resolver.alpha');
export function foobarResolverAlpha() {
return (route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot):
Observable<any> | Promise<any> | any => {
return Observable.of({ foo: 'bar' }).delay(700); // <-- we're travelling on a sloooow network ;-)
In object-oriented style, it's possible to inject services into CanActivate
implementations, since the implementing classes are "annotated" with @Injectable()
In functional programming style, we can do the same thing by writing the dependency as an
argument of the factory function.
This works by adding a dependency to the factory provider:
{ provide: FOOBAR_RESOLVER_BETA, useFactory: foobarResolverBeta, deps: [ RemoteDataService ]}
An instance of RemoteDataService
is then injected to the factory function and the lambda-style resolver
is going to return data by delegating to the service.
export const FOOBAR_RESOLVER_BETA = new InjectionToken<Resolve<any>>('foobar-resolver.beta');
export function foobarResolverBeta(remoteData: RemoteDataService) {
return (route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot):
Observable<any> | Promise<any> | any => {
return remoteData.fetchAllTheThings();
Like in the first example, the functions need to be registered for Angular's dependency injection. The relevant code snippet looks like this:
providers: [
useFactory: foobarResolverAlpha
useFactory: foobarResolverBeta,
deps: [ RemoteDataService ]