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Bass forum site:

Name: SubSonic

BassSpace Bass Mint Sub State SubSonic <= That's the one

Subdirectory Names: ?

Pro Files BassMint Meta Threads

User: Has profile page. Admin Privileges allow all actions besides browsing, including

1 posting messages/classified ads, 2 tipping, 3 liking, 4 pinning 5 dms

Guest: No sign-in required. Only allowed to:

1 browse 2 message on classified discussion

Features: Classifieds, Forums, Reviews, Search, Member Profiles Viewer, DMs

Member Profiles Viewer: Categories for Most Messages, Most Likes, Most Media

Forums: Cannot post or respond unless a member signed in. Main Forums > Sub Forums > Discussions

Main Goals:

1 User can post discussion or message (can contain media), respond to message, like message, pin discussion 2 User can give/receive $tip via message in discussion. Stretch: Archive sub-forums

Classifieds: Main Categories > ForSale List > ForSaleDiscussion

Main Goals:

1 User can post new classified ad -Poster can change status of the sale (forSale/forTrade/forSaleTrade/Sold/Traded)

2 Quick filter for items with particular status

3 Search classifieds (button links to search page with classifieds filter preselected)

DMs: User can search database for particular user by userName and message them. Inbox receives messages


Notes: users have 2 relationships with forum_discussion_topics. One direct relationship (one to many) and indirect through user_pins (user_pins: one to many, forum_discussion_topics: many to many through user_pins and join_pins_topics). Hence the need for both user_pins and join_pins_topics instead of just a many to many involving users and forum_discussion_topics


---has_one :inbox ---has_many :for_sale_messages ---has_many :classifieds_for_sales ---has_many :forum_discussion_topics ---has_many :forum_topic_messages

user_name password image balance


---has_one :user ---has_many :dms (sent) ---has_many :join_pins_topics ---has_many :forum_discussion_topics, through: :join_pins_topics


---has_many :user_pins ---has_many :forum_discussion_topics


---has_one :user ---has_many :dms



---belongs_to :user (as sender_id) ---belongs_to :inbox

user_id (sender) content


---has_many :sub_forums

category heading


---belongs_to :main_forum ---has_many :forum_discussion_topics



---belongs_to :sub_forum ---belongs_to :user ---has_many :forum_topic_questions ---has_many :join_pins_topics ---has_many :user_pins, through: :join_pins_topics

heading last_message_date (created_at of the latest message)


---belongs_to :forum_discussion_topic ---belongs_to :user

content media likes


---has_many :classified_for_sale



---belongs_to :classified_category ---belongs_to :user ---has_many :for_sale_messages

bass manufacture_year status price strings city state country views


---belongs_to :classified_for_sale ---belongs_to :user

content media


1 User Admin Namespace


Foundation Fundamental frequency Network State Sovereign Network Sovereign State Basicity (Chemistry - low pH)

Active Storage

Installed mini_magick (for resizing images)

amazing bg photos:

animated backgrounds:


Active Storage Woes

  • needed to find and add gems before active_storage:install was available
  • running rails active_storage:install did not include the needed config/storage.yml file
  • needed to permit the param representing the has_one_attached item -including avatar method and attribute on users serializer results in death loop

Tracing Actions

-added (require 'rmagick') to config/application.rb -installed rmagick (supposedly allows mini_magick use in Rails) -installed imagemagick (brew install imagemagick)

Implementing Bcrypt

-rewrote user migration password column to password_digest and seeds are working


  • users and forum_discussion_topics tables have 2 relationships: 1 - has_many, through

    • for user's pinned topics, uses a join table ('pins') 2 - creator/created_topic (one to many)
  • uses an alias, so to access this relationship, use: User.first.created_topics ForumDiscussionTopic.first.creator (there is a creator_id on forum_discussion_topics table)


    -slate blue/navy & orange

    TicketMaster API

    • dynamically obtains client/user location data based on conditions
    • attempts to use client browser location data and dateTime to construct API query for local upcoming events and render to Home
    • created function to recognize dateTime and localTime and convert to readable string
    • if browser location data is not enabled, query is constructed based on user's state_code in database
    • due to unique listings for repeat showings, events are filtered for unique names
      • names come from two different locations - artist name and event. Not all events have artist names, so the name value is conditionally set depending on whether or not that data is available. Artist name is preferred due to resulting in less redundancy
    • filtered events are sorted by genre (nested data) by converting to object with genre keys and event array values. Object is iterated over and generates appropriate components in sorted order, resulting in dynamically displayed events menu.
    • events can be selected and direct to an event details screen, where details such as ticket price range, time, and date which tickets are on sale until are displayed. Links to venue and ticket purchasing are also provided
    • menu displayed with independent scrolling and hidden overflow. On phones menu sits below main content, accessed by scrolling down. On desktop/larger screens menu occupies right segment
  • notes on logic: Used browser data to get client location and constructed a dynamic locationParam that changes keys/values depending on whether browser data request was successful. If not, uses the state_code from the user’s data in db

Constructs params for the event dates based on current time and the time 4 months from now Had to figure out how to structure dateTime for query.. cut off decimal places from seconds programmatically

Filters return data for unique names before setting to state

Carved up data for ticket price range, on sale until date, show start date in local time


  • For forum/classified messages, had to not only write custom serializer methods and manage deeply-nested associations (beyond what is semantically supported by active record), but also the nested associations' associated active storage data (from blob with polymorphic association). Took research and time to figure out how to isolate the active record association of a user (two associations away from the sub_forum_topics or classified_for_sales, who's serializers were accessing it.

  • For city/state form fields discovered react-select and country-state-city. To get fields to display selected option had to create a workaround by modifying placeholder value

  • react-select dropdown did not play nicely with my css. Tried targeting individual components with classNamePrefix for styling with styled components and changing z-index, but no matter what could not get dropdown to display. Only with one style did it work:

menuportal: ${(provided) => ({ ...provided, zIndex: 9999 })};

but it also wiped out all styling on the page. Had to move on for now.

  • react-ticker struggles: Wanted to dynamically render jsx based on ticketmaster api calls and display events in scrolling banner. Compatibility with async data was 'experimental' and didn't end up working, though a whole day was spent trying.

  • displaying images embedded with quill rich text editor was a challenge due to many intermediate-level html tags. Dev console elements tab was vital here.

  • have a look at logic in category cards. style and component arrays based on category prop passed in

  • Routes not working properly. One set of solution code: (in routes.rb)

get '*path', to: "application#fallback_index_html", constraints: ->(request) do !request.xhr? && request.format.html? end

(in application_controller) def fallback_index_html render file: 'client/public/index.html' end

  • anomalous requirement to interpolate image path urls in the img in UserMenu, however in Home path variables able to be passed in brackets (for the same paths/files)


DBs: Production: subsonic_app_db Development: subsonic_dev_db

  • check details about connection between rails app and postgres by typing in console:



Full-featured forum/market site for bassists







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