Features 1.Add Tasks: Users can add new tasks to the list. 2.Mark as Completed: Users can mark tasks as completed, with a visual indicator. 3.Remove Tasks: Users can remove tasks from the list when they are no longer needed. 4.Responsive Design: The application is fully responsive and works well on all devices.
Technologies Used 1.HTML5 – For structuring the application 2.CSS3 – For styling the application 3.JavaScript – For dynamic behavior (adding, removing, and marking tasks)
How It Works
Adding Tasks: Enter a task in the input field and click the "Add" button. The task will be added to the list.
Marking Tasks as Completed: Click on a task to mark it as completed. Completed tasks will have a strikethrough effect.
Removing Tasks: Click the "Remove" button next to a task to delete it from the list.