Welcome to Lil-checkup-pro! This project is a mobile application developed using Flutter. The main purpose of this app is to serve as an early checkup and development screening tool for children.
Lil-checkup-pro provides a convenient way for parents, caregivers, and healthcare professionals to assess the developmental progress of children. By utilizing this app, users can track various developmental milestones and receive feedback on their child's growth and development.
To get started with Lil-checkup-pro, follow these steps:
- Clone the Repository:
- Navigate to the Project Directory:
- cd screening_tool
- Install Dependencies:
- flutter pub get
- Run the Application:
- flutter run
- Sign Up or Log In: If you are a new user, sign up for an account. If you already have an account, log in using your credentials.
- Add Child: After logging in, add a profile for the child whose development you want to check. Enter the necessary information such as name, age, and gender.
- Complete Checkup: Start a checkup session for the child by selecting the appropriate age group. Follow the prompts and complete the checkup questionnaire.
- View Results: After completing the checkup, view the results to see an assessment of the child's development. The app may provide feedback and recommendations based on the responses provided.
- Consultation: If you have concerns about the child's development based on the checkup results, consider consulting with a healthcare professional for further evaluation and guidance.
- Download xammp server and create DB and name it as screening and import the screening.sql
- unzip the API.zip file
- And add it to the htdocs folder in xammp server
- And change the ip address in url.dart in screening_tool
- And your are Good to go!!
If you encounter any issues while using Lil-checkup-pro or have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at sudharsanan080@gmail.com Thank you for using Lil-checkup-pro! We hope it serves as a valuable tool for monitoring and supporting the development of children.