ultimate macOS 中文
forked from Vonng/Capslock : Make CapsLock Great Again!
- Powerful: Make Capslock a great new modifier key: Hyper(✱).
- Well-Designed: High-Freq key in hot-area. Bring lots of useful functionalities.
- Compatible: Work well with other modifiers, appliactions, devices.
- Light-Weight: Just a small script, carry it everywhere !
- Design Document
- KeyRemap Document
- ultimate macOS via Karabiner-Elements
- macOS Mojave (10.14)
- macOS High Sierra (10.13)
- macOS Sierra (10.12)
- macOS EI Capitan (10.11)
Download Karabiner-Elements and Install
Copy URL to your browser(open in safari) to import configuration script.
or import config file from Karabiner-Elements Offical Script Gallery
Open Karabiner, Tab "ComplexModification", Button "Add Item", and enable entries you like.
Default conf file path is
. Modify it if you like. -
Enable functions:
[App] karabiner-elements -> [Tab] Complex Modification -> Add Item
✱ Hyper actually maps to ⌃ ⌥ ⇧ ⌘ (all right modifiers) , It works well with additional left modifiers. And compatible with most application. Hold CapsLock to enable Hyper
funcationality while press it will emit an Escape
Origin | Maps to | Comment |
⇪ Press | ⎋ Escape | Single press to escape |
⇪ Hold | ✱ Hyper | Enable Hyper Functionality |
- Hold ✱ Hyper to enable navigators
- Hold additional ⌘ Command for selection . (just like holding ⇧shift in normal)
- Hold additional ⌥ with HJKL for mouse movement
- Hold additional ⇧ with HJKL for switching tab/app
- Hold additional ⌃ with HJKL for desktop management . (just like holding ⌃ctrl with arrow key)
Origin | Maps to | Comment |
⌘0 | ⌘← LeftArrow | cursor move to the begin of the line |
⌘4($) | ⌘→ RightArrow | cursor move to the end of the line |
H | ← LeftArrow | cursor left |
J | ↓ DownArrow | cursor down |
K | ↑ UpArrow | cursor up |
L | → RightArrow | cursor right |
⌘H | ⇧← LeftArrow | cursor left and selection |
⌘J | ⇧↓ DownArrow | cursor down and selection |
⌘K | ⇧↑ UpArrow | cursor up and selection |
⌘L | ⇧→ RightArrow | cursor right and selection |
⌥H | ← LeftArrow | ⌥ ← |
⌥J | ↓ DownArrow | ⌥ ↓ |
⌥K | ↑ UpArrow | ⌥ ↑ |
⌥L | → RightArrow | ⌥ → |
⌃H | ← LeftArrow | expose all |
⌃J | ↓ DownArrow | show desktops |
⌃K | ↑ UpArrow | switch prev desktop |
⌃L | → RightArrow | switch next desktop |
U | ⇞ PageUp | cursor page up |
I | ↖ Home | cursor to line(doc) head |
O | ↘ End | cursor to line(doc) end |
P | ⇟ PageDn | cursor page down |
⌘U | XX | leave to other apps |
⌘I | XX | leave to other apps |
⌘O | XX | leave to other apps |
⌘P | XX | leave to other apps |
⌥U | XX | leave to other apps |
⌥I | XX | leave to other apps |
⌥O | XX | leave to other apps |
⌥P | XX | leave to other apps |
⌃U | XX | leave to other apps |
⌃I | XX | leave to other apps |
⌃O | XX | leave to other apps |
⌃P | XX | leave to other apps |
- Emulate mouse with keyboard
Also can be archived by ⌥ with UIOP
Origin | Maps to | Comment |
← | MouseLeft | mouse cursor left |
↓ | MouseDown | mouse cursor down |
↑ | MouseUp | mouse cursor up |
→ | MouseRight | mouse cursor right |
↩ | MouseLeft | mouse left button click |
⌥ ↩ | MouseMiddle | mouse Middle button click |
⌘ ↩ | MouseRight | mouse right button click |
Origin | Maps to | Comment |
N | ⌥⌫ Option + ForwardDelete | Delete a word ahead |
M | ⌫ ForwardDelete | Delete a char ahead |
, | ⌦ Delete | Delete a char after |
. | ⌥⌦ Option + Delete | Delete a word after |
⌘M,⌘N | ⌘⌥⌫ Command+Option+ForwardDelete | Delete to line head |
Origin | Maps to | Comment |
⇥ Tab | ⌘⇥ Command+Tab | Switch Window |
⌘⇥ Command+Tab | ⌘⇧⇥ Command+Shift+Tab | Switch Window Reversely |
Q | ⌘Q | Close Window |
W | ⌘W | Close Tab |
A | ⌃⌥⇧⌘A | Leaves to Moom, ※a window resize app |
⌘A | ⌃↑ Ctrl+UpArrow | OSX Expose All |
S | ⌃⇥ Ctrl+Tab | Switch Tab |
⌘S | ⌃⇧⇥ Ctrl+Shift+Tab | Swtich Tab Reversely |
⌥D | F11 | Show Desktop |
- Common bash utils: EOF, SIGINT, SIGTSTP, VIM/Tmux Prefix
Origin | Maps to | Comment |
D | ⌃D Ctrl+D | EOF |
Z | ⌃Z Ctrl+Z | SIGTSTP |
X | ⌃R Ctrl+R | IDE Run |
C | ⌃C Ctrl+C | SIGINT |
V | ⌃V Ctrl+V | Vim Prefix |
B | ⌃B Ctrl+B | Tmux Default Prefix |
- Maybe you'd like overwrite these with your own favorite apps.
Origin | Maps to | Comment |
E | Open Finder | Open File Browser |
⌘E | Open Safari | Open Web Browser |
R | Open iTerm2 | Great terminal for osx (Run ) |
⌘R | Open Pycharm | Open IDE |
T | Open Visual Studio Code | Text Editor: Visual Studio Code |
⌘T | Open Typora | Text Editor: Typora , a great WYSIWYG md editor |
T | Open Visual Studio Code | Text Editor: Visual Studio Code |
Y | Open Siri | Siri |
⌘D | Open Dictionary | Find words |
F | Open Alfred | |
⌘F | Open Dash | Find API Document |
G | Open GitHub Desktop | GitHub Desktop |
⌘G | Open Chrome | Google Chrome |
- Use hyper + 1~9 and 0 and - and = as standard functional keys(F1,…F12).
Origin | Maps to | Comment |
⌥1 | BrightnessDown | |
⌥2 | BrightnessUp | |
⌥3 | ExposeAll | |
⌥4 | LaunchPad | |
⌥5 | KeyboardLightDown | |
⌥6 | KeyboardLightUp | |
⌥7 | MusicPrev | |
⌥8 | MusicPlay | |
⌥9 | MusicNext | |
⌥0 | Mute | |
⌥- | VolumeDown | |
⌥= | VolumeUp | |
F13 PrintScreen | MusicPrev | |
F14 ScrollLock | MusicNext | |
F15 Pause | MusicPlay | Just as it shows |
Insert | ⌥BrightnessUp | Fine grained brightness up |
Delete | ⌥BrightnessDown | Fine grained brightness down |
Home | ⌥KeyboardLightUp | Fine grained keyboard light up |
End | ⌥KeyboardLightDown | Fine grained keyboard light down |
PgUp | ⌥VolumeUp | Fine grained volume up |
PgDn | ⌥VolumeDown | Fine grained volume down |
- A more convient shift for most case
- Semicolon ; and Quote ' have some special treatment, makes input != and := easier
Origin | Maps to | Comment |
1 | ! | Exclamation |
2 | @ | At |
3 | # | Sharp |
4 | $ | Dollar |
5 | % | Percent |
6 | ^ | Caret |
7 | & | Ampersand |
8 | * | Star |
9 | ( | Left Round Bracket |
0 | ) | Right Round Bracket |
- Minus | _ | Hyphen |
= Equal | + | Plus |
[ Left Bracket | { | Left Bracket ⇧ {[ |
] Right Bracket | } | Right Bracket ⇧ }] |
; Semicolon | ! | Exclamation |
' Single Quote | = | EqualSign |
⌘; Semicolon | ! | Colon |
⌘' Single Quote | = | EqualSign |
Origin | Maps to | Comment |
⎋ Escape | ⇪ CapsLock | Bug: Difficult to turn capslock off after emit |
~ BackQuote | ⇧⌘4 | macOS Area Screenshot to Desktop file |
⌘~ Command+BackQuote | ⌃⇧⌘4 | macOS Area Screenshot to Clipboard |
⌫ Backspace | ⌘⌫ | macOS Delete File |
/ Slash | ⌘/ Command+Slash | Comment/Uncomment in many IDE |
\ Backslash | ⌘/ Command+Slash | Comment/Uncomment in many IDE |
␢ Spacebar | ⌃␢ Ctrl+Spacebar | Switch Input Source |
Modifiers: Mac
Sym | Key |
✱ | Hyper |
⌃ | Control |
⌥ | Option |
⇧ | Shift |
⌘ | Command |
Modifiers: ⊞ Windows
Sym | Key |
✱ | Hyper |
⌃ | Control |
⊞ | Windows |
⇧ | Shift |
⎇ | Alter |
Normal Keys
| Apple |
⌘ | Command, Cmd, Clover, (formerly) Apple |
⌃ | Control, Ctl, Ctrl |
⌥ | Option, Opt, (Windows) Alt |
⎇ | Alt |
⇧ | Shift |
⇪ | Caps lock |
⏏ | Eject |
↩, ↵, ⏎ | Return, Carriage Return |
⌤ | Enter |
⌫ | Delete, Backspace |
⌦ | Forward Delete |
⎋ | Escape, Esc |
→ | Right arrow |
← | Left arrow |
↑ | Up arrow |
↓ | Down arrow |
⇞ | Page Up, PgUp |
⇟ | Page Down, PgDn |
↖ | Home |
↘ | End |
⌧ | Clear |
⇥ | Tab, Tab Right, Horizontal Tab |
⇤ | Shift Tab, Tab Left, Back-tab |
␢ | Space, Blank |
␣ | Space, Blank |
❘⃝ | Power |
⇭ | Num lock |
?⃝ | Help |
| Context menu |
Author:suliveevil (suliveevil@outlook.com)