Must Include CSS Code/Default Custom Alert Box Class:
/* must include css */ .custom-alert-box { position: absolute; top: 0%; padding: 20px; font-size: 16px; color: #ffffff; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background-color: #58a6eb; animation: alert-box 1s ease; }@keyframes alert-box { 0% { top: -10%; } 100% { top: 0%; } }
You can also include your custom CSS to the alert box.
This Plugin has two type of Alert Boxes:
1). Alert Box on page load
2). Alert Box on Click the button.
Alert Box will automatically disappear after 4 seconds.
Demo link => Click for Demo
Download the alert-box.js file.
Include the alert-box.js file to your HTML file
<script src="alert-box.js"></script>(1) Call customAlert() function for alert box on page load.
(2) Call alertOnClick() function for alert box on click.
<script defer> customAlert('This is custom alert Box !'); //alert box on load alertOnClick('alert-b', 'Custom Alert Box onClick'); //alert box on click </script>
customAlert() function will take three arguments
- message
- allow custom css (optional)
- custom css className (optional)
<script defer> customAlert('This is custom alert Box !','allow','custom-class-name'); </script>
alertOnClick() function wil take four arguments
- Id Name of the element on which you want to apply onclick event.
- message
- allow custom css (optional)
- custom css className (optional
<script defer> alertOnClick('alert-b', 'Custom Alert Box onClick','allow','custom-class-name'); </script>
Note: By allowing custom css you give your own styling to the alert box.