The git repository uses the git flow
scripts. This is the configuration found in .git/config
[gitflow "branch"]
master, develop
[gitflow "prefix"]
feature = feature/
release = release/
hotfix = hotfix/
support = support/
versiontag =
The develop branch is develop
and the production releases branch is master
The application uses postgresql as RDMS.
I recommends to create a specific user with limited rights on the database. For instance, I do not allow my users to create or remove databases. Thus, you should create your development and testing databases manually.
The application uses RSpec as test framework. In development mode, Guard is used as a test triggerer.
The fabrication
gem provides factories.
To play the test suite run : bundle exec rspec
To launch the guard test engine run: bundle exec guard
The application have four models :
Project Configure name and repository url of project
Location Manage application environments
Deployment Manage deployments of differents locations
Commit History of repository commits for locations and deployments
The application require:
- redis
- libgit2
- openssl
- git
- sidekiq
- faye
manage ssh-agent for different shell command launched by application.
You must change path where you want to store ssh-agent-socket
, ssh-export-agent
and pbtd_key
You must create ssh key pbtd_key
in your prefered path.
start_agent() {
ssh-agent -s -a /var/www/pbtd/shared/tmp/sockets/ssh-agent-socket > /var/www/pbtd/shared/tmp/ssh/ssh-export-agent
. /var/www/pbtd/shared/tmp/ssh/ssh-export-agent
echo $SSH_AGENT_PID > /var/www/pbtd/shared/tmp/pids/
if ! [ -S /var/www/pbtd/shared/tmp/sockets/ssh-agent-socket ] ; then start_agent; fi
if [ -z $SSH_AGENT_PID ] ; then . /var/www/pbtd/shared/tmp/ssh/ssh-export-agent; fi
ssh-add -l > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
ssh-add /var/www/pbtd/shared/tmp/ssh/pbtd_key > /dev/null 2>&1
contains all configuration variables by environnment:
place where projects cloned are storedfaye_server
link to your faye serverdefault_branch
the default branch where application can get the capistrano configurationssh_agent_script
where is stored
For other environments than staging and development:
place where ssh public key was created for applicationssh_private_key
place where ssh private was created for applicationbasic_auth_user
user name for basic authentificationbasic_auth_password
password for basic authentification
Pbtd require some things for capistrano environments files:
- server
- rails_env variable
- branch variable
example with config/deploy/staging.rb
server 'pbtd.domain.tld', user: 'pbtd_user', roles: %w{web app db}
set :rails_env, 'staging'
set :branch, 'develop'
launch these process:
rackup -E production -s thin -p 9292
rails s puma
In development and test environment you must add the key you use to connect your git repository and for remote servers used to deploy your applications to the ssh-agent.
Running in terminal ssh-add
All locations are updated every 10 hours with a schedule task.