Integrator interface to solve the forced Duffing oscillator, linear oscillator and the lorenz system, using 3 different integration schemes:
- 4th order Runge Kutta
- 2nd order Adams bashforth
- Explicit Euler
Description of files:
• model.h: an abstract base class Model for evaluating f(x, t)
• integrator.h: an abstract base class Integrator for ODE integrators
• duffing.{h,cc}: an implementation of the Duffing oscillator (a derived class of Model).
• euler.{h,cc}: an implementation of an explicit Euler integrator (a derived class of Integrator).
• a driver program to integrate the Duffing oscillator for the given parameter values and initial conditions.
• Makefile: builds the program duffing_solve.
The general driver program ode_solve that lets you choose between the different equations and integration schemes. It reads commandline arguments in the following format:
ode_solve {equation} {integrator} {timestep} {numsteps}
The program test_convergence does convergence test of the different integrators. The parameters should be specified on the command line as
test_convergence {integrator} {timestep} {numsteps}
The python script "run_tests" runs test_convergence for all three integrators, up to time t = 25, for timesteps 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001, 0.00001.