A mostly blank starter theme I use for development.
If you use this theme you'll likely want to change the text domain.
Perl is pretty useful for doing this quickly.
This perl command will search and replace within text of all PHP and style.css files in a single directory. Run it with your own text domain in the theme directory and again in the 'template-parts' directory.
perl -p -i -e 's/thinthreadwp/{yourtextdomain}/g' *.php style.css
Or just use find and replace in your editor/IDE.
If using gulp, you should tweak gulpfile.js and package.json to your liking.
Currently includes the following gulp packages:
- autoprefixer
- livereload
- rename
- sass
- sourcemaps
- uglify
- util
- susy
To set it up and install depencencies, from your theme directory:
npm install
Start watching:
gulp watch
Note that depending on your gulpfile task customizations, you'll want to adjust what css and js is enqueued in functions.php. Currently css is compiled as 'expanded' and js is minified via uglify.
For livereload, use the livereload extension for Chrome.