A tiny library to display lovely notifications based on React. author: Thomas Brodusch
Nowtify uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- ReactJS - A JavaScript library for building User Interfaces.
- Font-Awesome - The iconic font & css toolkit !
- NotificationSounds — Sound under Creative Common license
Nowtify requires React and Font-Awesome to run.
Add the following code towards the head section on your page. (To get Font-Awesome Icon)
<!-- Font-Awesome Css Lib for icons. -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="node_modules/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css">
Add the following code towards the end of the body section on your page. Placing it at the end allows the rest of the page to load first.
<!-- React-Nowtify -->
<script src="node_modules/react-nowtify/dist/react-nowtify.js"></script>
Define the wrapper in your HTML
<div id="nowtify-wrapper"></div>
Initialize the plugin using this code snippet
localPath : '/node_modules/react-nowtify/' // Local path of Nowtify folder, Default: '/node_modules/react-nowtify'
containerID : 'ID_CONTAINER', // Default: 'nowtify-wrapper'
displayTimeout : 6000, // Default 5000ms
dismissible : false, // Default false
sound : true // Default: false
Install from NPM
$ npm i react-nowtify --save
Require and init
import React from 'react';
import ReacDOM from 'react-dom';
var Nowtify = require('react-nowtify');
containerID : 'ID_CONTAINER',
displayTimeout : 6000, // Default 5000ms
dismissible : false, // Default false
sound : true // Default: false
var notifications = [
message : 'The message of your first notification',
type : 'success', // 'success','info','warning','danger'
icon : 'rebel', // Default: false (You can specify a specific font-awesome icon !)
dismissible : true, // Default: false
hideOnClose : true, // Default: false
sound : true // Default: false
Nowtify.show( notifications );
Tip: You can try React-Nowtify by open 'index.html' and see some examples in 'examples/' folder.
Want to contribute? Great!
Nowtify uses Webpack for fast developing. Make a change in your file and instantanously see your updates!
Open your favorite Terminal and run these commands.
$ git clone https://github.com/tom4dev/react-nowtify nowtify
$ cd nowtify
$ npm install
$ npm start
Developpment mode watcher (Webpack):
$ npm run watch
... And you're ready to code !
- css >>> Sass
- Add transition/animation options
- Add skin
- Enable skin customisation
Free Software, Hell Yeah!