You've decided to deploy Rails on the world best production environment. Naturally, you've chosen:
- Ubuntu 14.04
- Nginx (of course! easy decision)
- Puma (threads are the new nio, and Puma is awesomeness)
- Rbenv (ok, you debated about rvm vs rbenv and both will work with these instructions)
- Capistrano 3 (you banged your head against the wall trying to update your cap 2 scripts, but feel you must keep up)
- System scripts - /etc/init.d/... (not upstart and not systemd)
- Pumactl (because pumactl works! and is very nice)
So at the end of the day you want you all these to work, and play nicely together.
- you have a deploy user that doesn't need sudo rights at all!
- cap staging deploy
- cap staging puma:start
cap staging nginx:restart(I don't use the nginx capistrano 3 nginx scripts, please start it manually)- /etc/init.d/puma start (on server)
- /etc/init.d/puma stop (on server)
- everything should start on server reboot AND you can still use cap puma:restart, etc. etc.
With this much awesomeness, you assume someone else has this working already. I found lots of different examples, but nothing with this exact stack that worked the way I expected it to. Plus I wanted to use the default scripts, as much as possible. Also, I deploy as "deploy" user and I don't give it any sudo rights! So I have to deploy thie manually.
Here's how you use this setup: First read this about jungle scripts
Then read this about capistrano 3
Now do these, but use my scripts instead.
Follow instructions on installing jungle scripts.
Replace /etc/puma.conf with my version but change 'server' to your app-name. You can have multiple lines, with multiple apps.
Replace /usr/local/bin/run-puma with my version (uses rbenv, but you can change it to use rvm if you want)
Setup capistrano 3 in your project with CAP file like this:
# Load DSL and Setup Up Stages
require 'capistrano/setup'
# Includes default deployment tasks
require 'capistrano/deploy'
require 'capistrano/rails'
# require 'capistrano/rvm'
require 'capistrano/rbenv'
require 'capistrano/bundler'
require 'capistrano/puma'
Add the puma.rb in app/config so that daemonize=true (because it seems to be false by default now)
Deploy the project
- cap staging deploy
I generated the nginx site, so it is at app/config/nginx.conf, but symlinked my nginx sites-enabled into the config in my project instead of copying it to sites-enabled
Replacing the 'server' with your real app name (and inside of nginx also replace 'server' with your appname
- sudo ln -nfs /home/deploy/apps/server/current/config/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/server
So if you change it, you'll need to restart nginx.
Create these directories (I should have these as part of deploy...)
- shared/log
- shared/tmp/pids
- shared/tmp/sockets
That's it!
These scripts should work for rvm if you just change the run-puma to do the rvm stuff instead of rbenv.
These scripts make it possible to run jungle init scripts with a capistrano 3 and rbenv setup.
You can then start puma with either of these:
- /etc/init.d/puma start (on server)
- cap staging puma:start
- cap staging puma:status
The problem with existing scripts is that:
- Scripts assume location of pid and statefile is in subdirectory of app, whereas in capistrano 3 it is usually in shared/something... So, I modified puma script to take log and statefile as parameters.
- they don't work with rbenv and rvm because
- the pumactl doesn't have bundle exec user environment (so I modified script to set the user before running)
- run-puma doesn't get the deploy user environment (so added the shell stuff to get rbenv setup before executing)
Changes to the files:
- Modified /etc/puma.conf to take a 2 extra parameters: pid_file, state_file (other cleanups)
- Modified /etc/init.d/puma to take the extra parameters, and also to run pumactl in user context so bundle exec works
- Modified run-puma to set rbenv environment before running bundle exec
So, if you like this star it.
"Puma: threads are the new NIO :) " Thomas O'Rourke thomas.orourke@upstreaminno.com