Welcome to this (almost) untested, mostly rip-off of heroku/heroku.rb.
This module provides exactly the same API as heroku's official client. Each function has been carefully fed to monkeys who, through patience and understanding, had been trained to translate basic ruby into coffee script.
A monkey in action |
Those monkeys' education cost a lot so we could not afford tests for this code. However, we guarantee that no animal was hurt while preparing this module.
API exported by this module is exactly the same as API exported by heroku/heroku.rb. Yes, this also means that some variables are not camelCased. We apologize in advance for this inconvenience and, most regretfully, have to deny any liability regarding possible eye injury while inspecting this code.
That being said, here's a sample use:
heroku = require("heroku");
client = new heroku.Heroku({key: "deadbeef"});
client.get_releases("my_app", function (error, result) {
(...your code here...)
For those who prefer to have it with more caffeine, here's the same example in coffee-script:
{Heroku} = require "heroku"
client = new Heroku
key : "deadbeef"
client.get_releases "my_app", (error, result) ->
(..your code here..)
This code is dual licensed under the Beerware / Lunchware license. See below for details:
<toots@rastageeks.org> wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you
can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer and/or lunch in return -- Romain Beauxis