Simplify console program development, standardize program parameters and log output, and provide support for user interaction or command-line parameters to start the main program and subcommands.
Recommend weero-template tool, which serves as a scaffold for creating projects with various types of templates.
Support multiple subcommands.
Global parameters and subcommand parameters.
Program parameters can be obtained from environment variables and the command line.
Built-in dotenv handling, program parameters can also be obtained from dotenv.
Parameter source priority: interactive input > command-line parameters > environment variables > dotenv.
You can select subcommands and parameters through user interaction.
You can directly launch subcommands through command-line parameters.
It includes the log4js library, and you can set the log format through parameters.
It includes Commander, Inquirer, and Chalk for enriching program interaction and appearance.
project example,GitHub - topabomb/console-craft-example
The program includes two subcommands: 'serve' which starts an HTTP server, and 'test' which directly invokes local testing with Mocha.
import { execa } from "execa";
import { cli } from "console-craft";
import { service } from "./serve";
const commands = [
{ name: "serve", args: [{ flags: "-p, --port <port>", default: 3000 }] },
{ name: "test", args: ["-r, --round <round>"] },
cli.initialize(commands, {
globalArgs: [
{ flags: "-c, --config <config>", description: "config file" },
"-log, --log-level",
author: "topabomb(",
description: "node console app.",
cli.command("serve", async ({ name, args, logger }) => {
const port = Number(args["port"]);
await service.start(port);
logger.level = args["log-level"] ? args["log-level"] : "debug";`${name} listening : http://localhost:${args["port"]}`);
cli.command("test", async ({ name, args, logger }) => {
await service.start(3000);
const round = args["round"] ? Number(args["round"]) : 1;
for (let i = 0; i < round; i++)
await execa("npm", ["run", "test"]).pipeStdout(process.stdout);
await service.close();
logger.log("test complete.");
npm install console-craft
cli.initialize(commands, { globalArgs: [ { flags: "-c, --config <config>", description: "config file" }, "-log, --log-level", ], author: "topabomb(", description: "node console app.", });
flags format:
-short, --long <name> -short, --long [name] -short, --long -short --long
cli.command("serve", async (cmd) => { const port = Number(cmd.args["port"]); await service.start(port); `${} listening : http://localhost:${cmd.args["port"]}` ); });
GitHub - SBoudrias/Inquirer.js: A collection of common interactive command line user interfaces.