very customizable roblox logs with presets and extendable functionality for script developers
✔ Supports Custom Logs (Creating New Methods)
✔ Supports Roblox/Luau (Scripts And Executor)
✔ Comes With Presets (Shown Below)
local make = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
local endorsed = make("rbxasset://textures/StudioToolbox/EndorsedBadge.png", Color3.fromRGB(249, 209, 115))
endorsed("This asset was verified and published by Roblox.")
folder("Saved config! 5.16 KiB written to workspace (or anything else but).")
check("Successfully loaded <insert generic script hub name here> in 532 ms!")
roblox("Admin BitDancer joined the game.")
badge("Obtained the \"I Can't Sleep\" badge!")
star("Fly me to the moon, let me play among the stars~")
see customlog/src.lua implementation for more examples on creating presets