An API inspired by MyAnimeList, designed for retrieving detailed information about anime and manga. It provides access to titles, genres, ratings, and user reviews, allowing users to query and explore a wide range of anime and manga content.
Clone the repository.
git clone
Create a virtual environment (Optional, only if you have Python installed).
python -m venv env
Activate the virtual environment (Optional, only if you have Python installed).
will appear in your terminal input.
Install dependencies for your local environment, for testing, linter and pre-commit configs, etc. (Optional, only if you have Python installed).
pip install -r requirements/local.txt
Create a copy of the .env.example
file and rename it to .env
cp .env.example .env
Update the values of the environment variables (Important).
Note: Make sure to correctly configure your variables before building the container.
Build your container; it will take time the first time, as Docker needs to download all dependencies and build the image.
Use the -d
(detached mode) flag to start your containers in the background.
Use the --build
flag if you have changes and need to rebuild.
docker compose up
docker compose up -d
docker compose up --build
Stop the running containers (does not remove them).
docker compose stop
Start previously created and stopped containers.
docker compose start
Show container logs in real-time.
docker compose logs -f
Restart a service with issues (Replace <service_name>
docker compose restart <service_name>
Remove your container.
docker compose down
Access the web
service console that runs Django.
docker compose exec web bash
Inside the Django console, create the migrations.
python makemigrations
Run the migrations.
python migrate
If you need to be more specific, use:
python migrate <app_label> <migration_name>
List all available migrations and their status.
python showmigrations
Note: Manually create the migration if Django skips an app; this happens because Django did not find the
Create a superuser to access the entire site without restrictions.
python createsuperuser
Log in to admin
Access Swagger or Redoc.
Check the creation of migrations before creating them.
docker compose exec web python makemigrations users
Note: Checking migrations before their creation is necessary to avoid inconsistencies in user models.
Access the PostgreSQL console.
docker compose exec db psql -U postgres -d fandomhub_db
List all the tables in the database.
Show the detailed structure of a specific table.
\d <table_name>
Create a backup of your database (Optional).
docker compose exec web python dumpdata > backup.json
Load the created backup if needed (Optional).
docker compose exec web python loaddata
Access the Redis console.
docker compose exec redis redis-cli
Retrieve all keys.
Delete a key from cache.
DEL <key_name>
Delete all keys.
Generate translation files for the languages.
django-admin makemessages -l ja --ignore=env/*
django-admin makemessages -l es --ignore=env/*
Use --ignore to exclude specific directories from translation.
Compile translation files after making changes to translations.
django-admin compilemessages
This project is under the Apache-2.0 license.