R scrips and data to create databases for UNHCR Geneva based on indicators that are extracted from their Focus system.
The R scripts require the ActivityInfo R package to be installed in R.
The rjson (available from CRAN) package is required to read JSON data from a URL or a local file.
Use the create_db.R
script to create a database or update_db.R
to update an
existing database in ActivityInfo. These files contain settings to be modified
by the user. There is a second file, functions.R
which contains a number of
functions which are used by workflow.R
, the main script that performs the
actual work.
To create a new database, set a country (see the
ISO-3166-1 alpha 2
standard for the two-letter country codes) in create_db.R
, for example,
country.code <- "SY"
which is the country code for Pakistan. Provide a name and (optionally) a description for the database. For example:
database.name <- "UNHCR Response Monitoring"
database.description <- "a longer description of the database"
To update an existing database, provide only the database identifier in
database.id <- 1234
This identifier can be found in the URL when you double-click on the database in
the Design tab. For this example it would look like
In both of the above cases, you must also provide a target name. Target values are grouped per target set in ActivityInfo and each set has a name and, optionally, a few other pieces of information such as a date range. For example:
target.properties <- list(
name = "zzz_OL",
fromDate = "2014-01-01",
toDate = "2014-12-31")
When you create a database, this information is used to create a set of target values named zzz_OL. When you update a database this information determines which set of target values gets updated.
We distinguish four types of indicators:
- output indicators, also called performance indicators, which track activities and other non-monetary metrics;
- budget indicators which are used to track budget spending;
- impact indicators, many of which are calculated, which track the impact of an operation on its objectives;
- attributes (not to be confused with site attributes in ActivityInfo) are lower-level indicators which provide input to the impact indicators.
Input data from FOCUS can be provided in one of two ways:
- as CSV or JSON files on the local file system or
- as a URL that points to a FOCUS API end point.
Note that it is not possible to load (calculated) impact indicators and their attributes from CSV.
The input is provided by two files in the data
Both of these files must have the following columns:
- Objective and Output which are concatenated into a form name (forms are also known as activies in ActivityInfo),
- PPG and Goal which are concatenated into a form category,
- Indicator which contains the indicator name,
- Target which contains the numeric target values; missing values (i.e. no target defined) should be represented by an empty field,
- MSRP PPG ID, MSRP Goal ID and ID which are concatenated into a character string that is used a unique identifier for each indicator.
When creating a new database, a file 4_Partners.csv
including the list of
partners must also be present.
In both create_db.R
and update_db.R
these files are set in a list called
, like in the following example:
input <- list(
partners = file.path("data", "4_Partner.csv"),
output.indicators = file.path("data", "1_Form_Output-Indicator-Target.csv"),
budget.indicators = file.path("data", "3_Form_Output-$-Target.csv")
Local JSON files or JSON retrieved from an API must contain certain fields depending on which type of indicator is provided by the JSON. The following table gives an overview of which fields are required for the different indicator types:
Field | output | budget | impact | attributes |
OBJECTIVE | × | × | × | |
OUTPUT | × | × | ||
OUTPUT_MSRP_ID | × | |||
PPG_NAME | × | × | × | |
PPG_CODE | × | × | × | |
GOAL | × | × | × | |
GOAL_MSRP_ID | × | × | × | |
INDICATOR | × | × | ||
INDICATOR_ID | × | × | × | |
IMP_TARGET | × | × | ||
OL_BUDGET_OPS | × | |||
ATTRIBUTE | × | |||
ATTRIBUTE_ID | × | |||
FORMULA | × | |||
Table: required fields in the JSON for the four different types of input files.
Here is how some of these fields are used:
- The OBJECTIVE and OUTPUT fields are concatenated to create a form name, except for impact indicators which are only distinguished at the objective level. Impact indicators and their attributes are stored in a form named after only the OBJECTIVE field. Attributes are indicators which are used to calculate an impact indicator, therefore these are always linked to an impact indicator and thus end up in a form named after the objective of the impact indicator. The INDICATOR_ID field is used to match attributes with their (impact) indicator.
- The PPG_NAME and GOAL fields are concatened to create the category to which a form belongs, also for the impact indicators.
- The IMP_TARGET field provides a (numeric) target value for the output and impact indicators whereas OL_BUDGET_OPS provides the target value for budget indicators. Attributes do not have target values.
- For all indicators except the attributes a unique identifier is created using the PPG_CODE, GOAL_MSRP_ID and either the INDICATOR_ID or OUTPUT_MSRP_ID fields, the latter being used only in the case of an output indicator. See also the section Name in expression below).
The file with partners should have the fields PARTNER_SHORTNAME and PARTNER_NAME.
Like for CSV files, the input should be provided as
input <- list(
partners = file.path("data", "4_Partner.json"),
output.indicators = file.path("data", "1_Form_Output-Indicator-Target.json"),
budget.indicators = file.path("data", "3_Form_Output-$-Target.json"),
impact.indicators = file.path("data", "2_Form_Impact-Indicator-Target.json"),
attributes = file.path("data", "Attributes.json")
or using an API:
input <- list(
partners = "http://partner/url",
output.indicators = "http://output/indicator/url",
budget.indicators = "http://budget/indicator/url",
impact.indicators = "http"//impact/indicator/url",
attributes = "http://attributes/url"
ActivityInfo has the option to provide an alternative name (or code) for each indicator to be used in expressions. We use this field to store an identifier that created from three identifiers in FOCUS:
where <PPG_CODE>
is one of the fields (i.e. column headers) provided in the
input data. We prepend the identifier with FOCUS-
to make it very clear that
these indicators come from FOCUS.
Each indicator requires the units and aggregation method to be set. The R script
includes two functions to guess these values from the name of the indicator:
and guessAggregation()
. See these functions for more details.
Given the input from FOCUS, the R script will create a new database with the indicators in ActivityInfo or it will update an existing database. When creating a new database or when updating an existing database, the script follows the first decision diagram as shown below.
When updating an existing database, the script will also perform the second decision diagram as shown below. This step checks for indicators which are no longer in FOCUS (or at least not in the data coming from FOCUS), but still in ActivityInfo. If we find such an indicator, we remove it if it has no data entries or mark it as obsolete.
Most functions in functions.R
have low-level unit tests. The script
is used for integration testing. It uses the input data in the
folder to create and update a database in ActivityInfo.