- R language
- R tools to compile the site under Windows OS
- R studio to write scripts
- Prince XML to generate automatically the PDF version fo the site.
- Github client to push edits on the repository
All chapters are written in Rmarkdown and encoded in UTF-8.
When a new chapter is added, content table shoudl be automatically updated in index.Rmd
and manually in the file include\before_body.html
R script verify_dependency_installation.R
R script make_pdf.R
allow to generate a PDF for the full site.
generate all the site from the Rmarkdown files and then call
to update the PDF of the site.
To execute Makefile
, go to RStudio & click on Build All in the Build tab of the top right panel.
If on windows, make sure that you have configured both the path to Rtools & Prince in the PATH environment variable of your computer.