Consideration about hybid mode:
- @angular/upgrade/static, which is what the Angular team actively supports for hybrid mode
- @uirouter/angular-hybrid version 3.0.0 because will support only UpgradeModule(More documentation here)
Framework versions :
- @angular: 4.0.0
- angular: 1.6.5
- types/angular: 1.6.31 (Needed for uirouter/angular-hybrid)
- typescript: 2.4.2
- webpack: 3.5.5
The hybrid application is bootstrap inside app.main.ts and at bootstrap time the default state will be ContactsList Component, is defined inside app.contacts.ts. Structure Files:
AngularJS Module is declared inside app.contacts.ts. Feature is broken by module, trying to follow the Sacrificial Architecture (described here). So there are module for:
- List Contact (Folder listContact, module myApp.listContacts)
- Edit Contact (Folder: addContact, module myApp.editContact)
- Add Contact (Folder: addContact, module myApp.addContact)
- Header (Folder: heder, module myApp.header)
- Services (Folder: serviceContacts, module myApp.serviceContacts)
Angular Module is declared under ng4App folder in ng4Module.ts file, there some default angular imports and some uirouter dependecies.
Here are declared three simple components:
- BookList
- BookListItem
- BookDetail (where is present a trivial new resolve ui router declaration).
There is a interesting thing, it possible to inject Angularjs Service inside Angular. Inside providers tag,is injected the ContactService a Angularjs Service. The same singleton instance of each service is shared between the frameworks. In Angular these services will always be in the root injector and available to all components.
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