A CLI script to analyze an email in the EML format for viewing headers, extracting attachments, etc.
Install the package with pip
pip install eml-analyzer
Type emlAnalyzer --help
to view the help.
usage: emlAnalyzer [-h] [-i [INPUT]] [--header] [-x] [-a] [--text] [--html] [-s] [-u] [-ea EXTRACT] [--extract-all] [-o OUTPUT] [--format [{json}]]
A CLI script to analyze an email in the EML format for viewing headers, extracting attachments, etc.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i [INPUT], --input [INPUT]
Path to the EML file. Accepts standard input if omitted
--header Shows the headers
-x, --tracking Shows content which is reloaded from external resources in the HTML part
-a, --attachments Lists attachments
--text Shows plaintext
--html Shows HTML
-s, --structure Shows structure of the E-Mail
-u, --url Shows embedded clickable links and urls in the HTML and text part
-ea EXTRACT, --extract EXTRACT
Extracts the x-th attachment. Can not be used together with the '--format' parameter.
--extract-all Extracts all attachments. If a output format is specified the content of the attachments will be included in the structural output as a base64 encoded blob
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Path for the extracted attachment (default is filename in working directory)
--format [{json}] Specifies a structured output format, the default format is not machine-readable
$ emlAnalyzer -i email_1.eml
|| Structure ||
|- text/html
|| URLs in HTML part ||
- https://suspicious.site.com/Zajnad
|| Reloaded Content (aka. Tracking Pixels) ||
[+] No content found which will be reloaded from external resources
|| Attachments ||
[+] E-Mail contains no attachments
$ emlAnalyzer -i email_2.eml
|| Structure ||
|- multipart/mixed
| |- multipart/related
| | |- text/html
| | |- image/jpeg [image002.jpg]
| | |- image/jpeg [image003.jpg]
| | |- image/png [image004.png]
| |- message/rfc822
| | |- multipart/alternative
| | | |- text/plain
| | | |- text/html
|| URLs in HTML part ||
- https://example.company.com/random/link
- mailto:john.doe@company.com
|| Reloaded Content (aka. Tracking Pixels) ||
[+] No content found which will be reloaded from external resources
|| Attachments ||
[1] image002.jpg image/jpeg inline
[2] image003.jpg image/jpeg inline
[3] image004.png image/png inline
$ emlAnalyzer -i email_1.eml --header
|| Header ||
From..........................................John Doe <asjkasd@asdasd123.com>
To............................................"bob@company.at" <bob@company.at>
Subject.......................................RANDOM SUBJECT
Thread-Topic..................................RANDOM SUBJECT
Date..........................................Tue, 19 May 2020 07:02:37 +0000
Accept-Language...............................de-DE, en-US
Content-Type..................................text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"
$ emlAnalyzer -i email_4.eml --format json
"structure": {
"type": "multipart/mixed",
"children": [
"type": "text/plain"
"type": "application/pdf",
"name": "attachment_123.pdf",
"disposition": "attachment"
"urls": [
"reloaded_content": [],
"attachments": [
"type": "application/pdf",
"name": "attachment_123.pdf",
"disposition": "attachment"