Note: This can be a pair programming activity or done independently. Instructors may want to do a short introduction to strong params, the rails console, and migrations in Rails.
For this lab, we are going to build a Cookbook app with several models that interact one another.
- Create a rails app
- Create a model
that has these attributes:- Name (string)
- Instructions (text)
- Servings (integer)
- Create a model
with one attribute:name
as a string - Link
so that a course has many recipes and a recipe belongs to a course - Test if associations works in the Rails console (
rails c
- Create a model
and a has_many and belongs_to relations between recipes and ingredients (Hints: You need a Join table)
OPTIONAL for tomorrow
- Be sure to create the RESTful controller actions and the corresponding routes
- then set up the appropriate views
You should be able to go to rails c
and create new course, recipes (and ingredients for bonus) and be able to call these
- Recipe.first.course
- Recipe.first.ingredients (bonus)
- Ingredients.first.recipe (bonus)
- Ingredients.first.recipe.course (bonus)