This is a pair programming exercise.
Your first task is to build out a real authorization – an agent will know both his/her codename and their real name. Find an agent by their codename, then use bcrypt to compare the POSTed codename to their encrypted real name in the database. If they match, issue a token.
If you finish that, you and your partner are then in charge of securing & accessing the only thing more sensitive than our agents – our safehouses.
A starting point for the safehouse model & controller have been made for you. It should have a location, a codename, and a list of agent IDs that have access. Create an example safehouse to test your code against.
Now, the hard part – only agents on the list should have access to a given safehouse resource. You need to secure all safehouse information, and restrict which safehouses are shown only to the agents who are listed.
It might take some research and reading documentation, but you'll be forever in Her Majesty's debt.
- Build a new Safehouse resource, including a list of agent IDs
- Add a token strategy
- Authenticate a user based on their token & the agent IDs
In the starter-code
folder is our MI6 API, without any token auth or a safehouse resource.
You should have a JSON API that returns both agents & safehouses, and restricts access to safehouses based on agent IDs.
- Faker, a library to generate fake information
- jsonwebtoken
- express-jwt