Simple login page using HTML5, CSS and JavaScript.
Click on the monkey button to hide/show your password.
function showHide(){
const txt = document.querySelector('span#txtSH')
if(pswd.type == 'password'){
pswd.type = 'show'
monkey.value = '🐵'
txt.innerText = 'Ocultar Senha'
pswd.type = 'password'
monkey.value = '🙈'
txt.innerText = 'Mostrar Senha'
While user types, the data is validated.
function emailValidation(){
var MVF = document.getElementById('emailValidationField') // Mail Validation Field recebe o campo
var atPos = email.value.indexOf('@')
mailUser = email.value.substring(0, atPos)
var domain = email.value.substring(atPos + 1, email.value.length)
const criteria = (mailUser.length >= 1) && (domain.length>=4) && ('@') == -1) && ('@') == -1) && (' ') == -1) && (' ') == -1) && ('.' != -1)) && (domain.indexOf('.')>=1) && (domain.lastIndexOf('.') < (domain.length - 1))
if (criteria){
MVF.innerHTML = ''
email.className = emailClass
isEmailValid = true
email.onblur = function(){
if(email.value.length == 0){
MVF.innerHTML = ''
if (!criteria){
if(email.value.length != 0){
MVF.innerHTML = "<span class='dataerror' style='color: red'>Verifique o e-mail, ele deve estar no formato:</span>"
isEmailValid = false
function passwordValidation(){
const PVF = document.querySelector('span#passwordField')
var criteria = (pswd.value.length >= 8) && (pswd.value != email.value) && (pswd.value != mailUser)
PVF.innerHTML = ' '
isPasswordValid = true
pswd.onblur = function(){
PVF.innerHTML = ' '
isPasswordValid = true
if (!criteria){
if(pswd.value.length != 0){
PVF.innerHTML = "<br><span class='dataerror' style='color: red'>A senha deve ter pelo menos 8 caracteres e ser diferente do E-mail</span><br>"
PVF.innerHTML = ' '
isPasswordValid = false
After data validation, the login button is activated.
function canLogin(){
if (isEmailValid && isPasswordValid){
next.disabled = false
next.disabled = true
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.
- Make a fork;
- Create a branck with your feature:
git checkout -b my-feature
; - Commit changes:
git commit -m 'feat: My new feature'
; - Make a push to your branch:
git push origin my-feature
After merging your receipt request to done, you can delete a branch from yours.
Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!
This project is under the MIT license. See the LICENSE for details.
Made with ♥ by Welton Felix 👋 Get in touch!