2.3.1 (2024-12-31)
Bug Fixes
consult: bind Info-search (94dae34 )
consult: customize xref while initializing (453d663 )
keybinds: remove diagnostic in lsp (ea44ad9 )
lang: define formatter after loading package (ba84cd5 )
modeline: add buffer identification keymap (3ca05d3 )
modeline: add column and line number mode map (77d50bc )
modeline: bind with flymake menu (dd51da9 )
modeline: declare flymake functions from built-in package (4ffbe77 )
modeline: refactoring flymake (6b074cd )
modeline: show current buffer name (25252e9 )
modeline: simply get vc info (814faed )
org: add preview for org blog post (8a6654c )
org: customize export headline-levels (85ceafa )
org: customize org blog directory (15eb81b )
org: export description and keywords meta tags (0f7874f )
org: export html with org-publish (3064ce2 )
org: export webmanifest (3833bb8 )
org: improve org publish (f2c03a0 )
org: remove org customization example (4549016 )
org: remove post preview while publishing (f267345 )
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