A Django leaderboard app template, using redis as its backend. This app is a wrapper for the python-leaderboard api https://github.com/agoragames/leaderboard-python
The app uses Redis key-value pairs for its back-end and stores the scores on its 'sorted set' data structure, which keeps the data ordered and allows us to retrieve, update and delete scores efficiently.
With this app, you can get the leaderboard with pagination, create scores, update or delete them. Even get rankings around the given score.
- RESTful api for creating, updating, deleting and retrieving high scores or scores around the user
- Standard view for displaying high scores with pagination
- delete method for the api
Python leaderboards module pip install leaderboard
, note that this module will install redis and hiredis modules as its dependancy djangorestframework pip install djangorestframework
for providing the rest behavior. pip freeze > requirements.txt
to save all dependency requirements into a text file.
Thanks to djangorestframework
, you can just visit http://localhost:8000/leaderboard/api/<game-identifier>/
to create, update or get the leaderboard.
Other urls are http://localhost:8000/leaderboard/api/<game-identifier>/user/<user-id>/
for scores around the user, and http://localhost:8000/leaderboard/api/<game-identifier>/<page-id>/
for pagination. Please see urls.py
to see the full list or urls.
To create new ranking using the api, send a POST request to http://localhost:8000/leaderboard/api/<game-identifier>/
. Game identifier is the key to determine your game to the system. it can be anything. Parameters are user_id
and score
To see the html table of leaderboard, go to http://localhost:8000/leaderboard/highscores/<game-identifier>/
There is an example project in the source to make it easy to start.
A sample project about game player leaderboard rankings to try leaderboard_app
Please see requirements.txt
file for the complete dependancy list.
Dependencies are added to the requirements.txt
file. Usage of virtualenv is highly recommended. Please use the following steps to run this sample django project. Following steps requires using a terminal.
Use following to set up the project
git clone `https://github.com/xxl4tomxu98/ttb-django-leaderboard-template/tree/master`
cd ./ttb-django-leaderboard-template
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install wheel
pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver
Open settings.py
file and do the necessary changes (i.e. db settings, etc).
Add leaderboard_app
to APPS list in settings.py
Make sure that your redis server is running, brew services start redis
Add following lines to your urls.py file.
path('leaderboard/', include('leaderboard_app.urls')),
path('restframework/', include('rest_framework.urls', namespace='rest_framework')) # auth support for rest framework
Go to http://localhost:8000/
to use the project. Make sure that you create some users first.
npm init -y
npm install webpack webpack-cli --save-dev
npm run dev
Run Django server
npm install --save-dev babel-loader @babel/core @babel/preset-env @babel/preset-react
npm install --save react react-dom
npm run dev