This repo contains projects for Udacity AI Nanodegree
The projects are run in an environment with Python 3 and all necessary packages installed. The environment can be created and configured by following the steps below:
conda env create -f aind-environment-osx.yml
to create the environment (for OSX)source activate aind
to enter environmentpip install git+
to install the development version ofhmmlearn 0.2.1
Install Pygame
- Install homebrew
brew install sdl sdl_image sdl_mixer sdl_ttf portmidi mercurial
source activate aind
pip install pygame
Used constraint propagation to
- solve naked twins problem by enforcing the constraint that no squares outside the naked twins squares can contain the twin values
- implement solver for diagonal sudoku in which diagonals are added to the set of constraints.
Developed an adversarial search agent to play a deterministic, two-player game of perfect information called 'isolation', in which the players alternate turns moving a single piece from one cell to another on a board and the first player with no remaining legal moves loses.
- Implemented depth-limited minimax search, minimax search with alpha-beta pruning, and iterative deepening search.
- Implemented custom evaluation heuristics and evaluated the performance of the heuristics by competing against baseline agents with alpha-beta search and iterative deepening.
- Implemented simulated annealing algorithm to solve the traveling saleseman problem between US state capitals, which is an optimization problem that seeks to find the shortest path passing through every city exactly once.
- Compared different cooling schedule functions used for simulated annealing, including linear, exponential, quadratic, and logarithmical functions.
Used symbolic math library to explicitly construct binary constraints and then use Backtracking to solve the N-queens problem, a game in which N queens are to be placed on a standard NxN chessboard such that none of the queens are in "check" (i.e., no two queens occupy the same row, column, or diagonal).
- Implemented progression search algorithms to solve deterministic logistics planning problems for an Air Cargo transport system using a planning search agent
- Implemented two different domain-independent heuristics to aid A* search for the agent
- Compared result metrics including optimality, search time, and node expansions between non-heuristic search algorithms (breadth-first, depth-first, etc.) and heuristic search algorithms (A* search with custom heuristic functions)
- Employed hidden Markov models (HMM's) to analyze a series of measurements taken from videos of American Sign Language (ASL)
- Derived a variety of feature sets and implemented three different model selection criterion (cross validation, BIC, DIC) to determine the optimal number of hidden states for each word model
- Compared word error rate from the different combinations of feature sets and model selection criteria