Experimental browser._actions
is an instance of experimental _Actions class – an alternative implementation of ActionChains from Selenium...
So you can use:
from selene import browser
from selene.support.shared.jquery_style import s
browser._actions.move_to(s('#point1')).pause(1).click_and_hold(s('#point1')).pause(1).move_by_offset(0, 5).move_to(s('#point2')).pause(1).release().perform()
instead of something like:
from selene import browser
from selene.support.shared.jquery_style import s
from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains
ActionChains(browser.driver).move_to_element(s('#point1').locate()).pause(1).click_and_hold(s('#point1').locate()).pause(1).move_by_offset(0, 5).move_to_element(s('#point2').locate()).pause(1).release().perform()
or actually even instead of this:
from selene import browser, be
from selene.support.shared.jquery_style import s
from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains
ActionChains(browser.driver).move_to_element(s('#point1').should(be.in_dom).locate()).pause(1).click_and_hold(s('#point1').should(be.in_dom).locate()).pause(1).move_by_offset(0, 5).move_to_element(s('#point2').should(be.in_dom).locate()).pause(1).release().perform()
Here are advantages of Selene's _actions over Selenium's ActionChains:
- the code is more concise
- you can pass Selene's elements to it, instead of Selenium's webelements
- adding new command to the chain automatically includes automatic waiting for element to be in DOM
- if some error happens inside
– it will be automatically retried in context of common Selene's implicit waiting logic
Here are some open points regarding this implementation and why this feature is marked as experimental:
- the implicit waiting are yet not same powerful as in other Selene's commands
- error messages are less readable, too low level
- not sure if retry logic inside
is needed at all... can hardly imagine any failure there that can be fixed by retrying
- not sure how will it work with Appium drivers...
Some inner refactoring...
- moved Browser class from selene.core.entity.py to selene.core._browser.py
(yet the module is named as experimental, yet the safest way to import Browser isfrom selene import Browser
that is unchanged!)