Geodetector is a software for measure and attribution of/by spatial stratified heterogeneity (SSH), which is developed by Prof. Wang Jingfeng. There are R and Excel version. Details in
Here are the python script. The script are under development and not a offical version. please be caution when you use it.
the main script is in path 'GeodetectorPy'
in path 'data', there are three .csv file contain sample data from, and geotiff data in './data/smpledata2019EVILC'
please refer the to learn how use the script
Spatial stratified heterogeneity (SSH), referring to the within strata are more similar than the between strata, a model with global parameters would be confounded if input data is SSH. Note that the "spatial" here can be either geospatial or the space in mathematical meaning. Geographical detector is a novel tool to investigate SSH: (1) measure and find SSH of a variable Y; (2) test the power of determinant X of a dependent variable Y according to the consistency between their spatial distributions; (3) investigate the interaction between two explanatory variables X1 and X2 to a dependent variable Y (Wang et al 2014 doi:10.1080/13658810802443457, Wang, Zhang, and Fu 2016 doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2016.02.052).