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alipay_auth is a flutter plugin for AliPayAuth.
I highly recommend that you - read the official documents before using alipay_auth. alipay_auth helps you to do something but not all. For example, you have to configure your URL Scheme on iOS.
await AlipayAuthPlugin.aliPayAuth('your auth str');
The result is map contains results from AliPayAuth.The result also contains an external filed named platform which means the result is from iOS or android. Result sample:
app_id: "",
result_code: SUCCESS,
scope: auth_user,
state: init,
platform: android
var result = await isAliPayInstalled();
If you want to check alipay installation of Alipay on iOS,make sure you have added alipays into your whitelist in info.plist.
For iOS,yout have to add url schema named alipay. On Xcode GUI: url_schema in your info.plist: