I am Yonatan, a Tel Aviv University graduate student in Statistics and Data Science. Beyond that, I'm a researcher at Forter. Im currently working on my thesis under the supervision of Roded Sharan and Jonathan Ben-Dov, implementing various NLP and GNN methods for identifying the authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls (QumranNLP).
Here are some project that i did over the years:
Object oriented programming (Java) - Some OOP projects in java.
Statistical Learning and data analysis - Really interesting course that covered most of the topics in ISLR and in Advanced Data Analysis from an Elementary Point of View by Shalizi. Projects:
- Car accidents analysis -EDA and PCA.
- fMri data - Kernel regression, regularization methods, image analysis.
- Forest Cover Type - Naive bayes (raw implementation), feature engineering, classifiers (XGboost, svm, RandomForest and more).
Decrypting Ciphertext Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo - link.