A real-time multi-user full-stack web application built with monorepo using Turbo. The backend utilizes Socket.io and Express.js, while the frontend is crafted with Vite, React, Tailwind CSS, and Flowbite-React. Features include common web elements like dropdown lists, textareas, and radio buttons, along with Google Maps API integration
Create an Express.js application with CORS enabled, running on a specified port and served by an HTTP server:
const app = express();
const port = env.port;
// create a HTTP server object
const server = http.createServer(app);
Initialize a new instance of socket.io
const io = new Server(server, {
cors: {
origin: env.clientUrl,
// credentials: true
Define the socket object type:
type SocketType = Socket<DefaultEventsMap, DefaultEventsMap, DefaultEventsMap, Record<string, never>>;
Declare custom rooms (an arbitrary channel that sockets can join
and leave
const customRooms = ["Room A", "Room B", "Room C"];
Event handler for managing disconnections. Use io.of("/").sockets.size
to get The number of currently connected clients, and emit the receive_online_people_count
event to all connected clients, including the current one.
const handleDisconnect = (socket: SocketType) => () => {
console.log('A user disconnected:', socket.id, 'io.of("/").sockets.size:', io.of("/").sockets.size);
try {
io.emit("receive_online_people_count", io.of("/").sockets.size);
} catch (error) {
A generic function to handle socket emit events: check if a client has joined an additional room beyond the default room (public channel) using socket.rooms.size > 1
; if so, emit the event to that specific room, otherwise, emit the event to all connected clients, including the current one:
const handleEmit = <T extends Record<string, unknown> | string | number | boolean>(socket: SocketType, eventName: string) => (value: T) => {
try {
// NOTE: `socket.rooms.size > 1` because a socket is always in the public channel
if (socket.rooms.size > 1) socket.rooms.forEach(room => socket.to(room).emit(eventName, value)); // TODO: `socket.to(room).emit` this is not able to send to the sender itself
else io.emit(eventName, value);
} catch (error) {
Handle the client’s "choose room" event by defining a leaveRooms
function that allows the current socket to leave all custom rooms (while remaining in the default public channel), and emit the receive_room_selected_value
event with the rooms the current socket joins to the socket itself:
const handleSelectRoom = (socket: SocketType) => (roomId: string) => {
console.log('user enter the room:', socket.id, `roomId: ${roomId}`);
const leaveRooms = () => {
socket.rooms.forEach(room => { if (customRooms.includes(room)) { socket.leave(room) } });
try {
leaveRooms(); // NOTE: allow this socket to join only one room at a time
if (roomId !== "public channel") socket.join(roomId);
socket.emit("receive_room_selected_value", roomId, `socket: ${socket.id} is in the rooms: ${Array.from(socket.rooms).join(',')}`);
} catch (error) {
Listen for the connection event to handle incoming sockets, then use io.emit("receive_online_people_count", io.of("/").sockets.size);
to broadcast the current number of connected clients:
io.on('connection', (socket: SocketType) => {
console.log('a user connected', socket.id);
io.emit("receive_online_people_count", io.of("/").sockets.size);
socket.on("send_msg", handleEmit(socket, 'receive_msg'));
socket.on("dropdown_selected_value", handleEmit(socket, 'receive_dropdown_selected_value'));
socket.on("checkbox_is_checked", handleEmit(socket, 'receive_checkbox_is_checked'));
socket.on("radio_selected_value", handleEmit(socket, 'receive_radio_selected_value'));
socket.on("textarea_value", handleEmit(socket, 'receive_textarea_value'));
socket.on("map_position", handleEmit(socket, 'receive_map_position'));
socket.on("room_selected_value", handleSelectRoom(socket));
socket.on("disconnect", handleDisconnect(socket));
Listen to connection errors and handle them:
io.engine.on("connection_error", (err) => {
console.log(err.req); // the request object
console.log(err.code); // the error code, for example 1
console.log(err.message); // the error message, for example "Session ID unknown"
console.log(err.context); // some additional error context
expose port
server.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`Listening on port ${port}...`);
Error: Property 'description' does not exist on type 'Error'.ts
and Property 'context' does not exist on type 'Error'.ts
When monitor connect_error
event at client side
useEffect(() => {
socket.on("connect_error", (err) => {
// the reason of the error, for example "xhr poll error"
// some additional description, for example the status code of the initial HTTP response
// some additional context, for example the XMLHttpRequest object
return () => {
}, []);
How to: Handle disconnect event and broadcast to all clients (including the one that is going to disconnect)
When monitoring and handling the disconnect
event as below in the function handleDisconnect
, io.emit("receive_online_people_count", count);
fails on emit event to all clients. Because the current user has disconnected.
const handleDisconnect = (socket: SocketType) => () => {
console.log('A user disconnected:', socket.id);
const count = io.engine.clientsCount;
io.emit("receive_online_people_count", count); // when a user disconnect, this won't be send to all users
// listen on the connection event for incoming sockets
io.on('connection', (socket: SocketType) => {
console.log('a user connected', socket.id);
const count = io.engine.clientsCount;
io.emit("receive_online_people_count", count);
socket.on("disconnect", handleDisconnect(socket));
Use io.of("/").sockets.size
instead of io.engine.clientsCount
const handleDisconnect = (socket: SocketType) => () => {
io.emit("receive_online_people_count", io.of("/").sockets.size);
Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'http://localhost:3000/socket.io/?EIO=4&transport=polling&t=P3KPn60' from origin 'http://localhost:5173' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
Make sure the cors
package is installed in package.json and set up correctly in the backend application. For example:
import express from "express";
import { Server } from 'socket.io';
import http from 'http';
import { env } from "./config/env";
import cors from 'cors';
const app = express();
const port = env.port;
// create a HTTP server object
const server = http.createServer(app);
// initialize a new instance of socket.io
const io = new Server(server, {
cors: {
origin: env.clientUrl,
credentials: true
app.get("/", (req, res) => {
res.send("Hello World!");
// listen on the connection event for incoming sockets
io.on('connection', (socket) => {
console.log('a user connected');
server.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`Listening on port ${port}...`);
Error: The esbuild loader for this file is currently set to "js" but it must be set to "jsx" to be able to parse JSX syntax. You can use "loader: { '.js': 'jsx' }" to do that
Error when run pnpm run dev
after creating and using a React TypeScript component App.tsx
Default Turborepo with Vite for React component files file extension using .ts instead of .tsx (which are the default generated files when create a new vite project with React and TypeScript at Vite version 5.3.4
Create a Vite React project, copy files tsconfig.app.json, tsconfig.node.json, tsconfig.json, and vite.config.ts under the current repo ./apps/web/.
And then add missing dependencies into package.json file.
Run command
pnpm create vite
Choose the target tech stack
- React
- TypeScript
- ...
Copy above files into the current repo
remove "type": "module", in package.json add in tsconfig.json
Refer to the repo and update my files
- tsconfig.json
- package.json
Error: tsconfig.json:4:5 - error TS6310: Referenced project '/socket-react-fullstack-monorepo/apps/web/tsconfig.app.json' may not disable emit
Error: ERR_PNPM_LOCKFILE_BREAKING_CHANGE  Lockfile /usr/src/app/pnpm-lock.yaml not compatible with current pnpm
During building docker file RUN --mount=type=cache,id=pnpm,target=/pnpm/store pnpm install --frozen-lockfile
Because RUN corepack enable
in the Dockerfile downloads the pnpm version 8.15.6 (TODO: add image), but the pnpm-lock.yaml file that is generated by running pnpm i
is generated by the local installed pnpm package (by npm install -g pnpm
), which the version is 9.15.1. SO the version mismatch causes the error.
Change (downgrade) the version of local installed pnpm to match the target version that corepack downloads in the Dockerfile, which is 8.15.6. And generate a new pnpm-lock.yaml using the target version of pnpm:
npm install -g pnpm@8.15.6
And check the pnpm version after finishing install, make sure it shows the correct target version (which is 8.15.6 here):
pnpm --version
Delete the local pnpm-lock.yaml
rm pnpm-lock.yaml
Run pnpm install command to generate a new rm pnpm-lock.yaml files
pnpm i
Error: After running the command pnpm run -r build
and pnpm deploy --filter=backend --prod /prod/backend
, there is no dist/ folder in the /prod/backend
Add files in apps/backend/package.json
"files": [
After run the container with the command
docker run -d -p 8000:8000 backend:latest
And run the command to check logs
docker logs containerID
apps/backend/package.json package tslib is in devDependencies, however, it should be in dependencies according to the npm tslib url
"devDependencies": {
"@types/cors": "^2.8.17",
"@types/express": "^4.17.21",
"@types/node": "^20.14.12",
"nodemon": "^3.1.4",
"tslib": "^2.6.3",
"typescript": "^5.3.3"
Move tslib into dependencies, and run pnpm i
to generate pnpm-lock.yaml base on the new dependencies in the apps/backend/package.json.
"dependencies": {
"tslib": "^2.6.3",
"cors": "^2.8.5",
"express": "^4.19.2",
"socket.io": "^4.7.5",
"ts-node": "^10.9.2",
"zod": "^3.23.8"
Build and docker image again
After build and run the web container, run docker logs containerID
, see this error.
There is no start
in scripts in apps/web/package.json
"scripts": {
"dev": "vite --clearScreen false",
"build": "tsc && vite build",
"preview": "vite preview",
"lint": "eslint \"src/**/*.ts\""
Use serve
Install serve globally in docker file
RUN pnpm add -g serve
Make sure the port is the same as the port this is set in Vite config
Change this from
CMD [ "pnpm", "start" ]
To (since the default port is 5173, if need to change the default, ned to update apps/web/vite.config.ts)
CMD [ "serve", "-s", "dist", "-l", "5173" ]
Build and run a Docker container in detached mode (-d
), mapping port 5173 on the host to port 5173 in the container, using the web:latest
docker run -d -p 5173:5173 web:latest
Error: web application fails to communicate with the running server on another container (http://localhost:8000/)
server error index-4wkcNhfW.js:47 Error: server error at Ox._onPacket (index-4wkcNhfW.js:40:76516) at Ie.emit (index-4wkcNhfW.js:40:62436) at xx.onPacket (index-4wkcNhfW.js:40:64545) at r (index-4wkcNhfW.js:40:65633) at Array.forEach () at xx.onData (index-4wkcNhfW.js:40:65675) at Ie.emit (index-4wkcNhfW.js:40:62436) at Bt._onLoad (index-4wkcNhfW.js:40:68578) at n.onreadystatechange (index-4wkcNhfW.js:40:68005)
Create a custom, user-defined network
docker network create -d bridge my-net
Run backend container on the created network
docker run --network=my-net -d -p 8000:8000 backend:latest
Run web container on the created network
docker run --network=my-net -d -p 5173:5173 web:latest
FROM node:23-slim AS base
RUN corepack enable
RUN corepack pnpm --version
RUN pnpm add -g serve
FROM base AS build
COPY . /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
RUN --mount=type=cache,id=pnpm,target=/pnpm/store pnpm install --frozen-lockfile
RUN pnpm run -r build
RUN pnpm deploy --filter=backend --prod /prod/backend
RUN pnpm deploy --filter=web --prod /prod/web
# backend
FROM base AS backend
COPY --from=build /prod/backend /prod/backend
WORKDIR /prod/backend
CMD [ "pnpm", "start" ]
# web
FROM base AS web
COPY --from=build /prod/web /prod/web
WORKDIR /prod/web
CMD [ "serve", "-s", "dist", "-l", "5173" ]
Solution 2: to allow docker containers communicate with each other using Render: Blueprint YAML Reference
For example, check if an environment variable exists in a running docker container.
List all running docker container to see the container ID of the target one
docker ps
Allocate a pseudo-TTY of the target container using the container ID (ae980e452cbe is the container ID)
docker exec -it ae980e452cbe /bin/sh
List all the environment variables
Example output
# env
Need credit card info on Render, does not try
this need to run custom build and run command
deploy 2 web services separately on Render
failed, client fails to communicate to backend service
FE https://realtime-components-fe.onrender.com/
BE https://realtime-components-be.onrender.com/
The deployed web application fails to access the given environment variable VITE_SERVER_URL
, thus, it uses the fallback url http://localhost:8000/
In apps/web/src/socket.ts
const URL = import.meta.env.VITE_SERVER_URL || "http://localhost:8000/";
export const socket: Socket = io(URL, {
// withCredentials: true,
Open the Network tab on Chrome Dev Tool, see the socket client connect url is incorrect:
curl 'http://localhost:8000/socket.io/?EIO=4&transport=polling&t=e7wwuouj'
-H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Android"'
-H 'Referer;'
-H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0; Nexus 5 Build/MRA58N) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36'
-H 'Accept: /'
-H 'sec-ch-ua: "Google Chrome";v="131", "Chromium";v="131", "Not_A Brand";v="24"'
-H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?1'
In apps/web/.env, provide value https://realtime-components-be.onrender.com
And commit and push the changes to remote repo, notice that Render redeploy both services (because both services use the same repository)
After finishing deploy, check the Network tab in Chrome Devtool of the frontend application. Seeing the target url that Socket.IO client connects to is correct (which is https://realtime-components-be.onrender.com
curl 'https://realtime-components-be.onrender.com/socket.io/?EIO=4&transport=polling&t=esr8sgyt'
-H 'accept: /'
-H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9,zh-TW;q=0.8,zh;q=0.7'
-H 'origin: https://realtime-components-fe.onrender.com'
-H 'priority: u=1, i'
-H 'referer: https://realtime-components-fe.onrender.com/'
-H 'sec-ch-ua: "Google Chrome";v="131", "Chromium";v="131", "Not_A Brand";v="24"'
-H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?1'
-H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Android"'
-H 'sec-fetch-dest: empty'
-H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors'
-H 'sec-fetch-site: cross-site'
-H 'user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0; Nexus 5 Build/MRA58N) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36'
TODO: will remove the .env file in the frontend project, and provide the url in the frontend project Environment - Environment Variables on Render fix this problem?
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ARodQ4Wlf4
- use Chrome dev to debug, WS -> Frames
- https://medium.com/@tony.infisical/stop-using-dotenv-in-node-js-v20-6-0-8febf98f6314
- https://dev.to/cjreads665/nodejs-2060-say-goodbye-to-dotenv-2ijl
- https://catalins.tech/validate-environment-variables-with-zod/
- https://creatures.sh/blog/env-type-safety-and-validation/
For example
const URL = import.meta.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? undefined : 'http://localhost:4000';
server side
const io = new Server(server, {
cors: {
origin: env.clientUrl,
// credentials: true
client side
// "undefined" means the URL will be computed from the `window.location` object
const URL = import.meta.env.VITE_NODE_ENV === undefined ? 'TODO: add production url' : import.meta.env.VITE_SERVER_URL;
export const socket = io(URL, {
// withCredentials: true,
pnpm dlx create-turbo@latest -e with-vite
Use nodemon