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Due to the author's limited energy, the ts version is no longer maintained. Rrecommended to use the js version.
js version: https://github.com/zclzone/vue-naive-admin
Qs Admin is a completely open source free and commercially allowed admin template,Based on the latest technology stack of front-end such as Vue3、Vite3、TypeScript、Pinia、Unocss and Naive UI
. Compared with other more popular backend management templates, this project is more concise, lightweight, fresh style, very low learning costs, ideal for small and medium-sized projects or personal projects.
- 🍒 Integrated Naive UI,recommended by Evan You.
- 🍑 Integrated login, logout and permission verification.
- 🍐 Integrated multi-environment configuration, dev, test, production and github pages environments.
- 🍎 Integrated
eslint + prettier
. - 🍌 Integrated
husky + commitlint
. - 🍉 Integrated
. - 🍍 Integrated
,lightweight, simple and easy to use alternative to vuex. - 📦 Integrated
auto import. - 🤹 Integrated
icon,support custom svg icons. - 🍇 Integrated
# Recommended setup git autocrlf 为 false
git config --global core.autocrlf false
# Clone Project
git clone https://github.com/zclzone/qs-admin.git
cd qs-admin
# Install dependencies(Recommended use pnpm: https://pnpm.io/zh/installation)
npm i -g pnpm # Installed and can be ignored
pnpm i # or npm i
# Start
pnpm dev
# Test Environment
pnpm build:test
# Github Environment
pnpm build:github
# Prod Environment
pnpm build
# eslint check
pnpm lint
# eslint check and fix
pnpm lint:fix
# Preview(Need to build first)
pnpm preview
# Commit(husky+commitlint)
pnpm cz