Mystery Guy C++/SDL2 Game by Tuan-Dung Bui.
Author: Tuan-Dung Bui
Student ID : 21020006
Game Demo:
This is my first game made in C++. I made it in about 2 weeeks. Some bugs in this game i haven't fixed @@. I hope you enjoy with it. This is also my project for Advance Programing Subject.
Only dependencies are the SDL2, SDL2-image, SDL2 ttf and SDL2 mixer libraries.
All code was written by me.
Install C++, Mingw64.
Install MakeFile, SDL2, SDL2-image, SDL2 ttf and SDL2 mixer.
$ pkg install make sdl2 sdl2_image sdl2_mixer sdl2_ttf
OS X (brew):
$ brew install make sdl2 sdl2_image sdl2_mixer sdl2_ttf
$ mingw32-make -f MakeFile
$ ./main.exe
The compiled .exe is located in root folder. For it to run, you must copy the root folder all .dll files, ./lib folder all .a files, ./include/sdl all .h files as well as from your SDL installation to its directory.
You can download code all files config here:
Kill the monsters and unlock the mysterious door. Try to pick up golds as much as possible.
- Arrow to move the player left or right
- A to attack
- S to move quick
- Spacebar to jump
There are five rounds. If you can go to the 5th door, you will win this game. Let's enjoy it!
You can see it on Youtube:
All artworks from:
Pull requests are welcome! For major refactors, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to improve. Feel free to create a fork of this repository or use the code for any other noncommercial purposes.