A cli based application to track detailed statistics in tabular fashion about lives affected throughout the world by COVID-19.
Steps To Access:
Fork or clone this repository.
Run npm i
Run npm link
Sign in to https://rapidapi.com/api-sports/api/covid-193 to get your API Key.
Create a .env file in your project folder and set environment for two variables as follows:
API_KEY=xxxxxxxx BASE_URL='https://covid-193.p.rapidapi.com/'
5.0. covid-data forecast ====> Outputs a Beautiful Message for all of us.
5.1. covid-data (or 'covid-data help') ====> Opens up a Help chart.
5.2. covid-data version =====> Indicates version of application.
5.3. covid-data history ====> Outputs a List of Countries Affected By COVID-19.
5.4. covid-data now ====> Gets detailed statistics of COVID-19 cases for the particular country.
example: covid-data now ====> "Default Country Name is set to INDIA".
covid-data now Belgium ===> Gets detailed stats for Belgium.