Learning to Estimate the Pose of a Peer Robot in a Camera Image by Predicting the States of its LEDs
Nicholas Carlotti, Mirko Nava, and Alessandro Giusti
Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence, USI-SUPSI, Lugano (Switzerland)
[Video] [Training Dataset] [Validation Dataset] [Testing Dataset]
We consider the problem of training a fully convolutional network to estimate the relative 6D pose of a robot given a camera image, when the robot is equipped with independent controllable LEDs placed in different parts of its body. The training data is composed by few (or zero) images labeled with a ground truth relative pose and many images labeled only with the true state (on or off) of each of the peer LEDs. The former data is expensive to acquire, requiring external infrastructure for tracking the two robots; the latter is cheap as it can be acquired by two unsupervised robots moving randomly and toggling their LEDs while sharing the true LED states via radio. Training with the latter dataset on estimating the LEDs' state of the peer robot (pretext task) promotes learning the relative localization task (end task). Experiments on real-world data acquired by two autonomous wheeled robots show that a model trained only on the pretext task successfully learns to localize a peer robot on the image plane; fine-tuning such model on the end task with few labeled images yields statistically significant improvements in 6D relative pose estimation with respect to baselines that do not use pretext-task pre-training, and alternative approaches. Estimating the state of multiple independent LEDs promotes learning to estimate relative heading. The approach works even when a large fraction of training images do not include the peer robot and generalizes well to unseen environments.
Figure 1: Our fully convolutional network model takes an image as input and predicts maps for the robot's image space position
Table 1: Model's median error on 2D position E
Requirements are listed in the requirements.txt
file. To install them, simply run:
python3 -m pip install requirements.txt
To monitor the model's training process and metrics, we use mlflow. The dashboard is served on localhost. To run it, execute the following:
bash start_mlflow_ui.bash
Model checkpoints are saved on the run's artifacts page.
To train the pretext model run:
python3 -m training \
--experiment-id 0 \
--run-name pretext_model \
--model-type model_s_wide \
--task pretext \
--dataset data/four_leds_training.h5 \
--validation-dataset data/four_leds_validation.h5 \
--device {YOUR_DEVICE} \
--epochs 100 \
--learning-rate 0.002 \
--w-led 1. \
--w-proj 0. \
--w-dist 0. \
--w-ori 0. \
--labeled-count 0 \
--visible # Remove this if you want to train also on non-visible-robot images
To train the downstream model, the scripts assume that a pretext checkpoint is available in a past mlflow run with the name {PRETEXT_RUN_NAME}
. To train a downsteram model with 1000 labeled samples, run:
python3 -m training \
--experiment-id 0 \
--run-name downstream_model \
--weights-run-name {PRETEXT_RUN_NAME} \
--checkpoint-id 99 \
--model-type model_s_wide \
--task downstream \
--dataset data/four_leds_training.h5 \
--validation-dataset data/four_leds_validation.h5 \
--device {YOUR_DEVICE} \
--epochs 100 \
--learning-rate 0.002 \
--w-led 1. \
--w-proj 0.3 \
--w-dist 0.3 \
--w-ori 0.3 \
--sample-count 1000 \
--sample-count-seed 0 \
To train the baseline model, run:
python3 -m training \
--experiment-id 0 \
--run-name baseline_model \
--model-type model_s_wide \
--task downstream \
--dataset data/four_leds_training.h5 \
--validation-dataset data/four_leds_validation.h5 \
--device {YOUR_DEVICE} \
--epochs 100 \
--learning-rate 0.002 \
--w-led 0. \
--w-proj 0.3 \
--w-dist 0.3 \
--w-ori 0.3 \
--sample-count 1000 \
--sample-count-seed 0 \
To test a checkpoint from a mlflow run, execute:
python3 -m testing \
--experiment-id 0 \
--device {YOUR_DEVICE} \
--dataset data/four_leds_testing.h5 \
--run-name {RUN_NAME} \
--checkpoint-id 99 \
--task {MODEL_TASK} \
To obtain raw inference data from the testing process, add the --inference-dump {FILENAME}.pkl
to the previous command.