The final .zip folder is emailed to the provided address. Outputs from the full genome analysis is saved in the folder fullSequence-output. Results from gene-specific analyses are saved in the folder geneAnalysis-output, and the output for relative mutation rates is saved in the folder avg_mutation_rate_final.
Create a new Github codespace, and clone the repository mkayasth/viralGeneClock--codespaces into your codespace. Using the terminal of the codespace, install the following dependencies: Use the Bioconda channel to install Prokka:conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda -c defaults prokka
tar -zxvf muscle3.8.31_i86linux32.tar.gz
chmod +x muscle3.8.31_i86linux32
pip install matplotlib
pip install biopython
pip install flask
pip install flask-mail
Alternatively, you can use the command line interface with ( calls using the subprocess library).
python3 <input_fasta_file> <reference strain>
The <input_fasta_file> comprises the complete set of whole genome sequences (WGS) for the strains you intend to analyze.
Each strain's FASTA header should be the name of the strain.