A machine learning project for analysis and prediction of all countries GDP
The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is one of the metrics to ensure self-sustained growth for any country. The total monetary value of goods and services flowing through an economy over time is measured by GDP.
The goal of our project Generic GDP Prediction and Analysis to find the Patterns inside the taken dataset of multiple countries, and to make the Prediction using Supervized Machine Learning algorithm. This project ivolves applications of Data Analysis, Prediction and Recommendation using Machine Learning.
Understanding of economy and growth of all countries is an essential for all citizens. As we are progressing towards machine learning and artificial intelligence era, it is helping us to understand complex problems having good amount of data.
The data analysis and engineering is very essential and critical in modern day world. Data science can provide excellent insight of data using patterns, trends and relationship between multiple parameters, which would be impossible for any human being to manually calculate them by having data in rows and columnar fashion.
This process of understanding GDP of any country's and providing options to change parameters to predict its future value became very interesting topic for us. We want to provide some suggestions such as area, sectors to improve any country's GDP per capita.
- Authentication
- Interactive input platform
- Prediction of GDP of 227 counties, and specifically India
- Analysis of GDP per capita of world and India
- Recommendation to reach certain GDP growth given by the user
- Python
- Streamlit
- SQLite
- Plotly
- Dataset