Official codes for Paper "Recurrent Large Kernel Attention Network for Efficient Single Infrared Image Super-Resolution"
Overview of the architecture of RLKA-Net
Apply bicubic or lanczos downsample to obtain LR infrared images (Scale = 0.25 or 0.5).
' python scripts\ --input \GT_IMAGE_PATH --output \LR_IMAGE_PATH --scale 0.5(or 0.25) --method bicubic(or lanczos)'
BasicSR framework is utilized to train our RLKA-Net.
' python basicsr/ -opt options/train/RLKAN/train_rlkan_flir_x4_r.yml '
Before running this training command, you should prepared the paired FLIR infrared images.
Part of the Pre-trained models is avaliable here (Google Drive)
We'd like to thank MAN and BasicSR for their enlightening work, and thank the author of OSU, FLIR, CVC09 and LLVIP for provide open-source infrared images!